Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Secret side of friendship

It's not often that you see girls throwing elbows and blows out in the quad.And girls aren't known for being phisically agressive.
But girls are mentally agressive.Any girl who's been caught between two warring girlfriends can vouch that this is true.The dirty looks,the intentional snubs,the snotty voices or looks, and the teasing and trashing that go on behind girls' backs is rough stuff.Its's every bit as brutal as guys are when they fist-fight.It's just that it's quieter,less obvious to people around,and can go on for what seems like forever.
This is the secret side of friendship.
When a friendship goes bad we might end up on the receiving end of attitudes like these.People do end up disliking one another.
And sometimes,there's nothing we can do to fix the problem.
We can manage the problem,though in my next post, i'm going to give you three ways to keep your head above waters when friendships go,see you then.