Sunday, February 19, 2006

I've learnt that there are many good friends around,but true best friends are hard to come by.
I've learned that you can do something or nothing with a best friend and still have the best time.
I've learned that when a best friend is happy,you find yourself happy too,even when it has nothing to do with you.
I've learned that a true friendship has memories,both good or bad,but all is important.
I've learned that your heart is forever touched by a true best friend,no matter how things end up.
I've learned that when your heart is broken,a best friend is the best band-aid for it.
I've learned that nothing sounds stupid,funny,or unbelievable to a bestfriend,and you never feel stupid saying whatever it is.
I 've learned that sometimes you love a best friend more than a boyfriend.
I've learnt that the one who truly understands you is a true friend.
I've learned that a best friend is all you know.
I've learned that sometimes you wonder how she knew,but then you realize that's how close you are.
I've learned that when you're TRUE BEST FRIENDS everyone else knows it.
I've learned that,most importantly of all,best friends will always be best friends,no matter what is happening in their lives,where they are or what they are doing.A best friend is IRREPLACEABLE.Posted by Picasa


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